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更新时间:2025-02-09 08:52:17 点击:6925次

产品型号 collovelox/EML/Muti-homo
参考报价 返回顶部 面议
产品类型 返回顶部 均质机
品牌 返回顶部 德国ART
产地 返回顶部 德国
返回顶部 我来纠错(有奖)
均质速度 返回顶部 from 340 l/h up to 32.000 l/h(related to water).


The MULTI-HOMO is fitted as standard with a two-speed homogenizer. Raw materials are introduced directly into the homogenizer through a stator support in the form of an intake tube. By means of this intake system,  hot/cold emulsification can be produced very quickly with low energy  requirements. Additional raw material inlets, especially for automatic  process, can be provided in the lid and the bottom of the mixing tank,  directly under the turbine of the homogenizer.Other emulsions can be  produced in the same manner whereby the phase to emulsify only comes  into contact with the base phase in the homogenizer. The rapid treatment  in the homogenizer prevents phase reversal.

Function principle
In processing systems, short mixing times are mainly achieved by intensive, three-dimensional movements in which usually several mixing  tools take part. In addition to the actual mixing task, the selection  of the different interacting mixing elements is principally dependant  upon product viscosity, mixing tank dimensions and mixing tool speeds.

Further requirements to be taken into account include:
1.favourabele heat transfer
2.efficient deaeration

Function principle
Products with maximum particle refinement (dispersion, homogenizing down to 200 nm) particle solubilize (equable lumpfree swelling of powders in liquid). The colloidal mill COLLOVELOX works with a special rotor/stator construction. This construction allows to work with high pressure, mechanical cutting, centrifugal impact, compression and friction power.

An additional speciality is the variable gap adjustment between rotor and stator to the needs of the product. Adjustment of the gap can be accomplished while the mill is in use.

A special pumping wheel, fixed to the rotor is responsible for the feeding of the product. Over a powder sucking system (optional) it is possible to create vacuum and to suck powder or liquid directly into the mixing area.

The special advantage of a COLLOVELOX colloidal mill is its flexibility.
The system can be adapted to an existing infrastructure at thecustomer‘s facility and it‘s specific needs: fix installation/ moveable; adjustment to existing product viscosities; in-line/ recirculation system; powder dosing over a hopper/ suction pipe. The capacity range of the colloidal mill COLLOVELOX goes from 340 l/h up to 32.000 l/h(related to water).

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技术创新 EML Function principle Sucking of powder and/or liquid into a receiver liquid. The powder suction system. EML is working according the ?Venturi-Principle“. After a speed up of a receiver liquid with a pump through the injector nozzle, a vacuum will be created inside of the mixing chamber. The injector nozzle can be changed easily by hand to fit the different powder types and/or powder amount. Because of the generated vacuum in the chamber the powder and/or liquid will be sucked onto the top of the jet stream particle by particle, moistened therefore and carried away by the jet stream immediately. Based on this special system the air in the powder is swimming with big bubbles on the surface of the liquid stream and can easily disappear after the entrance in a tank. Advantage of the system: no air in the product and less of foam on the top. The special advantage of the system EML is its flexibility. The system can be adapted to the existing infrastructure of the customer’s facility and its specific needs: fix installation / moveable; adjustment to existing product viscosities; inline/recirculation system, powder dosing over a hopper / suction pipe / Big-Bag; dosing by hand/ over an automatic dosing system. The powder injection system EML is suitable for capacities from 0 up to 70 kg/min
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