自动的扭矩测量 省时又省钱
2013-06-05 15:29:17 嘉兆科技(深圳)有限公司
自动的扭矩测量 省时又省钱
Automated Torque Measurement Saves Time And Money
Magnetek needed a more efcient method of testing the torque produced by their industrial brakes. Originally they used torque wrenches to measure the torque that the brake produced.
后来MAGNETEK把注意力转向BINSFELD Engineering公司的TorqueTrak产品。因为他们以前使用过TorqueTrak 10K,曾对高速可变惯性制动测功机产品进行开发。
Magnetek looked to Binsfeld Engineering’s TorqueTrak products because they had previously used a TorqueTrak 10K in a high speed variable inertia brake dynamometer for product development.
在MAGNETEK增加了TorqueTrak Revolution产品到其测试项目后,终于实现了自动化测试。减速机输出的转矩可以用TT Revolution测试应变片测得。通过这种方式,他们可以自动执行测试,使用变速驱动器来控制旋转,同时可准确测量真实的制动扭矩。在此制动测试中,测试测得的扭矩范围从18 ft-lb - 15,000 ft-lb,TorqueTrak足以它们满足客户的要求。TorqueTrak Revolution帮助MAGNETEK成功地完成了自动化测试,精度高,并且省时省力。
After Magnetek added a TorqueTrak Revolution to their process, they were able to automate their testing. Reducer output torque is measured with strain gauges using the Torque Trak Revolution. In this way they can automate the test by using a variable speed drive to control rotation while accurately measuring the true torque the brake produces. Brakes with torques ranging from 18 ft-lb to 15,000 ft-lb can be tested to assure that they meet customer requirements. Magnetek successfully achieved a cost savings by dramatically reducing the labor it takes to test production brakes. The TorqueTrak Revolution allowed them to automate the test reducing the labor and increasing the accuracy.
Here is a great example of using live torque measurement data in the daily manufacturing process to optimize the operation.
If you have a good application or success story involving the TorqueTrak instruments that you would like to share in this newsletter, please send it to me for consideration. Thank you.
Bob Holden
Sales Manager
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