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2013-06-17 14:14:28  嘉兆科技(深圳)有限公司

某客户的双螺旋桨船在试航仅几个小时后,两个轴上的联接器就多次损坏。他们用新的部件来更换联轴器元件,然而同样的问题还是再次发生。造船厂进行检查,也没有发现任何问题;再次更换联轴器元件,结果仍然相同。CENTA公司采用Binsfeld公司的TorqueTrak 10K扭矩遥测仪器,来诊断和解决这一问题。
CENTA Transmissions Far East Pte. Ltd. used the TorqueTrak 10K telemetry instruments from Binsfeld Engineering to diagnose and solve a problem aboard their customer’s twin-prop ship, where the couplings on both shafts repeatedly suffered damage after only a couple hours of sea trials. They would replace the coupling elements with new parts and the same damage would reoccur. Their shipyard checked the alignment, found nothing wrong, and once again replaced the coupling elements only to run into the same damaging results.

      扭振计算(TVC)报告显示没有异常情况, 但大家都知道肯定有问题存在。因此他们决定更深入地观察这个问题,他们借助Binsfeld TorqueTrak 10K 来寻找答案。两套TT10K被安装到系统中来监测每个轴的扭矩情况。
Their Torsional Vibration Calculation (TVC) report showed no abnormalities but they knew something was not right. At this point they decided that they needed to look deeper into the issue and so they looked to Binsfeld’s TorqueTrak 10K for answers. Two TT10K units were mounted into their system to monitor the torque on each shaft.

      有时我们不知道具体应该从哪里下手来发现问题所在。但这次不同,TorqueTrak 10K扭矩仪器发送的真实的机械扭矩数据帮我们走向成功的正确道路。
Their testing revealed the presence of signicant oscillating torque when the Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP) was at 50 to 60 percent. They were able to determine that the torsional vibration was signicant enough to cause their recurring element damage.




Their testing revealed the presence of signicant oscillating torque when the Controllable Pitch Propeller (CPP) was at 50 to 60 percent. They were able to determine that the torsional vibration was signicant enough to cause their recurring element damage.



They did another TVC using a coupling with different shore hardness. They replaced the starboard side coupling with a 50SH element while keeping the port side as it was originally, and then made new measurements with the TorqueTrak 10K instruments. This time the report showed a surprising difference.



You can see in the STBD shaft the high vibratory torque that was previously present no longer exists. Armed with this information they replaced both elements with new ones rated at 60SH. This greatly reduced the torsional vibration strain and eliminated the breakage of couplings.


If you have a good application or success story involving the TorqueTrak instruments that you would like to share in this newsletter, please send it to me for consideration. Thank you.

Bob Holden
Sales Manager






