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TorqueTrak 10K成本节约方案

2013-06-20 11:36:37  嘉兆科技(深圳)有限公司

这是来自Clarage- TorqueTrak 10k用户的推荐书:

Testimonial from Clarage, a TorqueTrak 10K user:

Clarage专业制造客户订制的、重型离心轴流式风机,应用于石油炼油厂和发电厂,用于采矿和隧道通风。高效率的通风机设计是我们的一个主要卖点。由于对节能投入的增加(尤其是最近),我们的用户把重点都放在测试风机在装置性能及功率的消耗上。近三十年来,Clarage已经开始使用同轴扭矩传感器[不是Binsfeld] 来测量通风机的功率。我们将风机直接连接到电机上(即电机轴-耦合器-风扇轴),与其余的风机安装在统一基础上。为了附上旧的扭矩测量设备,我们必须将电机向后滑动,在电机和风扇中间插入扭矩仪,并用临时栅耦合将他们连接在一起(即电机轴-耦合器-扭矩仪-耦合器-风扇轴)。在测试完成后,我们要取下扭矩仪,并将电机滑动回到其相应的配置。作为一个定制型通风机制造商,我们很少会制造两个同样大小的通风机,风扇轴也是这样。因此,大多数临时栅耦合在使用后都被废弃。日积月累,你可以想象材料和组装所消耗的成本有多大。

Clarage builds custom, heavy duty centrifugal and axial fans with applications ranging from petroleum refineries and power plants to mine and tunnel ventilation. One of our principal “selling points” is the efficiency of our fan designs. Because of the increased value placed on power savings (especially recently), tremendous emphasis is placed by our customers on testing our fans at our facility for performance and power consumption. For the better part of three decades, Clarage has used in-line torque transducers [not Binsfeld] to measure fan power. Our fans are direct-coupled to motors (i.e. motor shaft-coupling-fan shaft) which are mounted on unitary bases with the rest of the fan. In order to attach the old in-line torque measurement device, we had to slide the motor back, insert the torque meter between it and the fan shaft and use tempor ary grid couplings to combine them (i.e. motor shaft-coupling-torque meter-coupling-fan shaft). After testing was complete, we would remove the torque meter and slide the arrangement back to its proper configuration. Being a custom fan manufacturer, we very rarely make the same size fan twice. This is true of the fan shafts too. As a result, most of the temporary grid couplings were scrapped after use. As you can imagine the cost of material and assembly add up over time.

去年12月份我们遇到一个这样的内部项目:要求在四周内完8个风机的测试,而且是将所有风机的组装和旧传感器的安装时间计算在内。如果使用旧系统我们无法按时完成这项测试。后来通过对流程改进的研究,我们购买了Binsfeld TorqueTrak 10K遥测系统,我非常高兴的告诉大家,TT10K不仅使用简单,测试效果也出乎意料。我们无需在测试前重新对风机进行配置。TT10K接收机和应变片可以直接固定在风扇轴上,将数据进行无线传输方便我们直接读出功率损耗。Binsfeld的售后服务无可挑剔,完善的服务使我们在初次使用的时候更加顺利。我想如果不使用TT10K,我们根本不能按期完成,估计我们在这次合同中节省了80-100个小时的劳动力(还不包括临时耦合器的成本)。我非常乐意向大家推荐Binsfeld Engineering的这套TT10K系统。

We had a project in-house in December that required eight (8) fans to be tested in four weeks and factoring in assembly time for each fan as well as the time taken to install the old transducers, we could not meet that schedule with our old system. We purchased the Binsfeld TorqueTrak 10K telemetry instrument after extensive research on process improvement. I am happy to say that using the TT10K was simplicity itself and the results were fantastic. We no longer had to re-configure the fan to perform a test. The TT10K receiver and strain gauge could attach directly to the fan shaft and wirelessly transmit the data for us to read power consumption. Binsfeld customer service was impeccable and went a long way in making our initial experience with the device as smooth as possible. We could not have met our schedule without the TT10K and the I estimate we saved about 80-100 hours in labor on that contract alone (not to mention the cost of temporary couplings). I am more than happy to recommend the TT10K product from Binsfeld Engineering.

我很喜欢这个应用案例, TorqueTrak 10K仪器为我们客户节省了大量时间和资金。请大家一起来看这个完整的应用案例。真的很不错!

I really enjoy stories like this one, where the TorqueTrak 10K instrument saves big time and money for our customer. Please read the entire story. It‘s a good one!
If you have a good application or success story involving the TorqueTrak instruments that you would like to share in this newsletter, please send it to me for consideration. Thank you.


Engineers from around the world routinely visit Clarage facilities to personally witness shop performance tests,
mechanical run tests and sound surveys on their critical application fans, such as these Atlanta airport AGT emergency fans.


It is difficult to see, but the TorqueTrak 10K Transmitter, battery and strain gage are installed on the motor shaft where you see the white tape in the center of the photo above.

图片中很难找到,在图片中心你可以看到一个白色的胶带,TorqueTrak 10 K发射器、电池和应变片就直接安装在电机轴上。

Bob Holden 
Sales Manager





